
Graphic Design • Marketing • Association Management

Our founder cut his teeth working for advertising agencies in Los Angeles. From a single ad to a full multi-media advertising campaign–we love creating a headline and message that is fun, unique and talks to your market. View our portfolio here.

Thinking Cap has been providing association management services for non-profit organizations since 2000. Services typically include day to day management from answering phone/emails, budgeting and finances, to board meeting preparation. We also plan events for associations such as continuing education workshops and conventions, and membership luncheons and award dinners. A Thinking Cap staff member will represent the organization as its General Manager or Executive Director depending on budgets and needs.

Associations also get the added expertise of Thinking Cap’s marketing and design expertise. These services can be included or separate from our monthly service fees. Present and past clients include Washington State Psychological Association, East Spokane Business Association, and Inland Northwest Business Alliance.

We work with fantastic award-winning copywriters–and we’re not half bad writers ourselves. We produce advertising and corporate communications copy for print ads, TV and radio commercials, brochures, and press releases.

Our first client was a magazine, so long documents such as books, catalogs, directories, newsletters and magazines are second nature to us. We have created an annual 65+ page business directory for Inland Northwest Business Alliance, course catalogs and hardbound books.

We design with a marketing point of view, a quality we inherited from our advertising background. Graphic design projects include logos, stationery packages, brochures, posters, banners, arena and airport dioramas, building and corporate signage–if we haven’t listed the design project you’re looking for–ask us–we’ve probably worked on one in the past.

View our portfolio here.

Our talented designer is also a fantastic illustrator who draws by hand with pen and ink then adding color and finishing using techniques with digital software. Photo collage compositions are also a snap! View our work here!

We handle all aspects of your project to deliver it on time and on budget. We create timelines and due dates; purchase printing and coordinate your project with them; manage web programmers and other creative contractors such as photographers, illustrators and video production companies.

Website design has become second nature to our print design. We build all of our websites with WordPress and call in a programmer to help when needed. WordPress makes websites affordable for a majority of our clients. View our web projects here!